PPC Minutes 10/31/2024
Members in Attendance:
Chair- Kylee Burge
Vice-Chair- Lesia White
Secretary- Robin English
Stacy Childers
Autumn Payne
Jeff Singleton
Admin.: BJ Paschal
Called to order at 2:50 PM.
1st Item of Business: Change the PPC meeting schedule to “as needed”.
Recommendation was made by Stacy Childers
Second by Robin English
The committee voted unanimously.
2nd Item of Business: What are the Committee’s feelings concerning the half-days for teacher
work days?
Dr. Sherrel has sent a survey to the staff concerning the teacher half-days. The survey asks the question to teachers: Would the staff prefer to stay with half-days or move to full days without students? We do not have the results of the survey, yet.
The general consensus of the committee is that having the Teacher Work days on Fridays would be more ideal for helping with child care for teachers and their children. We believed that this could also be of help to other working parents when trying to find child care. The committee also agreed that a full day would allow for Professional Development AND work time on lessons, grading, etc.
Mr. Paschal did share that we, as a District, have enough minutes built in to our school calendar that we would not need to change the number of school days if we were to switch to full days.
Meeting was adjourned by Robin English.
Second by Stacy Childers